Brass Urns
Brass urns are a timeless and elegant choice for preserving the ashes of a departed loved one. Crafted from durable and lustrous brass, these urns offer a combination of strength and aesthetic appeal. Brass is known for its longevity and resistance to corrosion, ensuring that the ashes will be preserved securely over time. This durability makes brass urns suitable for both indoor display and outdoor interment, providing families with flexibility in choosing a final resting place. One of the defining characteristics of brass urns is their exquisite beauty. They are often handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, featuring intricate designs, engravings, or decorative elements. Brass urns can be adorned with various finishes, such as brushed, polished, or satin, allowing families to select a style that best reflects the personality and taste of their loved one. These urns exude a sense of elegance and sophistication, becoming a dignified vessel that pays tribute to the life and legacy of the departed.
“Ho scelto l'elegante urna bianca Silver Linings per l'ultima dimora di mia madre.
Sono molto contento della qualità dell'urna e so che l'alluminio non si appanna né arrugginisce nel colombario.
Virginia D. Macias

“Abbiamo adorato le urne blu Forever Remembered Keepsake quando le abbiamo viste online. Quando sono arrivati, siamo rimasti sorpresi da quanto fosse sorprendente il colore contro l'ottone lucido.
Trovare urne così belle ci ha dato qualche speranza nel nostro momento di dolore.
John L. Profitto

“Quando abbiamo individuato la Majestic Green Extra Large Urn, sapevamo che era perfetta per mio padre.
Il colore verde intenso e i dettagli in ottone sono davvero belli. Gli sarebbe piaciuto.»
Guendalina D. Long